My days have been so crazy! I thought I was busy before I had my son but now it's like I am in overdrive all of the time! Being a full time mom, wife and leader of a business is tough. I mean don't get me wrong, I knew it would be tough but I had no idea. It's funny people always say " You don't know what it is like until you have kids." It is so true! Life with one is tough, I can't imagine two. But we adapt!
Here is a typical day for me.. I get up anywhere from 5:30 to 7 if I am really lucky. Get my son up and dressed and make breakfast for him. Then, I get ready. Take Colt to daycare and then I head into work, which is never the same. Anyways, stay extremely busy for 8-9 hours and then pick up colt. Go home fix dinner for the family, eat, give colt a bath & bottle. Put him down for bed and maybe take a shower if I have enough energy. I have a hour of free time and then off to bed myself. Some where in all of that I have make sure my husband feels attention from me and I give my son the quality time he deserves. Not to mention myself.
The Blessing is having a family to love and hold. Never take for granted that they will always be here and despite how exhausting it maybe in the end....Enjoy and soak up every moment.
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